What To Submit
Information on THIS page should be submitted ONLY if you have received an email from us letting you know that you have made it to the next round. Information on this page should ONLY be submitted between March 24 - April 18. Any submissions received before or after those dates will automatically be disqualified.
Find your category and submit EXACTLY what is requested. Do not send more or less. Take your time and read what is being requested.
If you have questions, please reach out to us for clarification.

Best Boutique
Must submit all of the following electronically:
Testimonies and Reviews: Include three customer testimonials and reviews, that highlight positive experiences with your boutique. This provides external validation of the quality of your products and services and can serve as compelling evidence for why your boutique deserves recognition. Each testimony should be 100-300 words and cannot be from any member of The FFIAs Production Team.
Community Engagement: Submit a list of up to three innovative events or pop-up shops hosted by your boutique. This could include themed fashion shows or exclusive product launches. – submit two images from each event. No more than two per event.
Engaging Social Media Posts/Campaigns: Submit up to three social media campaigns or posts pertaining to your product(s) that did really well in making your brand more popular. These posts should have a high engagement rate (i.e. comments and likes). Provide a direct link back to the original post. Please do not submit screenshots.
Achievements and Recognition: Submit documentation of any awards, honors, or recognition received in the past thirty six months. Press releases, articles, or media coverage highlighting your accomplishments. If you submit images, it must be accompanied by a description of what each image is for. Or you can submit a direct link.
Media Presence: Submit direct links to interviews, podcasts, or media appearances that you have been featured in/on within the past thirty six months.
Logo and Headshot: Submit your company logo in hi-res jpeg. A hi-res headshot of the head of the company along with a signed photo release from the photographer. A blank photo release can be found on the nominations page. Company logo in hi-res jpeg.
The Outstanding MUA
Testimonies and Reviews: Submit three customer testimonials and reviews that highlight positive experiences with your business. This provides external validation of the quality of your services and can serve as compelling evidence for why your company deserves recognition. Each review should be 100-300 words and cannot be from any member of The FFIAs production team.
Portfolio Submission: Submit a portfolio with ten (10) images showcasing diverse makeup artistry work. Clearly label each project with details such as the context (runway, editorial, print, or social marketing campaign), client or publication, and date of completion. Full Figured Industry Representation: Within the portfolio, all submitted projects should specifically focus on the full figured industry.
Achievements and Recognition: Submit documentation of any awards, honors, or recognition received in the past thirty six months. Press releases, articles, or media coverage highlighting your accomplishments. If you submit images, it must be accompanied by a description of what each image is for. Or you can submit a direct link.
Media Presence: Submit links to interviews, podcasts, or media appearances that you have been featured in/on within the past thirty six months. Tearsheets are acceptable. Screenshots are not acceptable.
Headshot: Company logo in hi-res jpeg if applicable. A hi-res headshot of the MUA along with a signed photo release from the photographer. A blank photo release can be found on the nominations page.Company logo in hi-res jpeg.
NOTE: MUA does not need to be Full Figured as long as their submitted projects specifically focus on the full figured industry.

The Outstanding Silver Fox
Are you 50 years or older? We will not share your age, we just need your to confirm that you belong in this category.
The Silver Fox category is open to many professions. Please list your respective field that you are submitting for. (I.e. Model, MUA, Entertainer, etc….).
Professional Portfolio: A comprehensive and up-to-date portfolio showcasing your work in the last thirty six months. Please submit ten (10) High-quality images, videos, or samples representing your accomplishments in supporting each respective field.
Biographical Information: A detailed biography highlighting your career achievements, experiences, and contributions to your respective industry. Emphasis on the last thirty six months and how they have continued to excel in their craft. Bio should be 500-700 words.
Achievements and Recognition: Submit documentation of any awards, honors, or recognition received in the past thirty six months. Press releases, articles, or media coverage highlighting your accomplishments. If you submit images, it must be accompanied by a description of what each image is for. Or you can submit a direct link.
Media Presence: Links to interviews, podcasts, or media appearances that you have been featured in/on within the past thirty six months. Tearsheets are acceptable. Screenshots are not acceptable.
Innovation and Adaptability: Provide at least one example of how you have demonstrated the ability to adapt to industry trends and innovations.
Headshot and Logo: Submit your company logo in hi-res jpeg (if applicable). A hi-res headshot of the nominee along with a signed photo release from the photographer. A blank photo release can be found on the nominations page.
Outstanding Blogger

Provide direct links to three of your top engaging blogs. We encourage you to provide context for each selection by briefly explaining why you consider these particular pieces to be among your best work. Highlight any unique insights, compelling narratives, or impactful takeaways that make these blogs stand out. This additional information will offer valuable context to the reviewers, giving them a deeper understanding of your writing style, expertise, and the significance of each submission. We look forward to gaining insight into the depth and breadth of your content through this thoughtful submission process.
Biographical Information: Submit a detailed biography highlighting your career achievements, experiences, and contributions to your respective industry. Emphasis on the last thirty six months and how they have continued to excel in their craft. Bio should be 500-700 words.
Groundbreaking Blog articles: Submit links to two blogs that you wrote that are considered groundbreaking or particularly impactful. You must specify how these articles stand out and provide notable feedback received.
Achievements and Recognition: Submit documentation of any awards, honors, or recognition received in the past thirty six months. Press releases, articles, or media coverage highlighting your accomplishments. Please submit images and/or direct links to support each achievement and recognition.
Media Presence: Submit links to interviews, podcasts, or media appearances that you have been featured in/on within the past thirty six months.
Headshot: Submit Blogger’s logo in hi-res jpeg (if applicable). A hi-res headshot of blogger along with a signed photo release from the photographer. A blank photo release can be found on the nominations page.

The Outstanding Podcast
Content Focus: Submit links to three specific episodes or series that cover entertainment, health, relationships, politics, and pop culture topics related to the plus and/or big and tall industry.
Groundbreaking Episodes: Submit links to two episodes that are considered groundbreaking or particularly impactful. You must specify how these episodes stand out and provide notable feedback received.
Audience Engagement: Submit statistics on average monthly downloads or listens. Describe any unique methods used to engage the audience, such as listener surveys, Q&A sessions, or live events.
Testimonials: Submit feedback or testimonials from two loyal listeners that indicate positive representation.Testimonials should be 100-300 words and cannot come from any member of The FFIAs Production team.
Achievements and Recognition: submit documentation of any awards, honors, or recognition received in the past year. Press releases, articles, or media coverage highlighting your accomplishments. Please submit images and/or direct links to support each achievement and recognition.
Media Presence: Submit links to interviews, podcasts, or media appearances that you have been featured in/on within the past thirty six months. Tearsheets are acceptable.screenshots are not acceptable.
Logo and Headshot: Submit Podcast logo in hi-res jpeg. A hi-res headshot of the podcast host(s) along with a signed photo release from the photographer. A blank photo release can be found on the nominations page.
Content Creator of the Year
Content Portfolio: Submit ten (10) High-quality images, videos, or samples representing your accomplishments a diverse portfolio of content created over the last thirty six months, including reels, posts, live sessions, and stories (include direct links). Highlight particularly successful or impactful pieces with explanations of their significance.
Brand Collaborations: Submit and describe three collaborations with small and large brands in the full figured and/or big and tall industry. Include details on the success of each campaign, metrics, and the impact on the target audience. Provide direct links to support each collaboration.
Partner Testimonials: Submit testimonials from two brand partners, highlighting positive relationships and successful collaborations. Testimonials should be 100-300 words and cannot come from any member of The FFIAs production team. Provide contact info for each brand for verification.
Innovative Approaches: Submit two examples of innovative and creative approaches to content creation. Explain how these approaches set you apart as a creator in the industry.
Achievements and Recognition: Submit documentation of any awards, honors, or recognition received in the past year. Press releases, articles, or media coverage highlighting your accomplishments. Please submit images and/or direct links to support each achievement and recognition.
Media Presence: Submit links to interviews, podcasts, or media appearances that you have been featured in/on within the past thirty six months.
Headshot: Submit a hi-res headshot along with a signed photo release from the photographer. A blank photo release can be found on the nominations page.

The Outstanding Photographer
Portfolio Submission: submit a curated selection of fifteen (15) high-resolution images representing your work as a photographer in the past year. Your portfolio should showcase excellence in promoting models, brands, influencers, and entrepreneurs' vision over the last thirty six months. The portfolio should include diverse examples of fashion, headshots, and editorial
A Personal Statement: Submit a written statement (500 words maximum) addressing: 1. Your unique approach to photography for the plus community. 2. Specific examples of how your work has demonstrated creativity, diversity, and innovation.
Achievements and Recognition: Submit documentation of any awards, honors, or recognition received in the past year. Press releases, articles, or media coverage highlighting your accomplishments in the field of photography.. Please submit images and/or direct links to support each achievement and recognition.
Brand Collaborations: Submit and describe three collaborations with small and large brands in the full figured and/or big and tall industry. Include details on the success of each campaign, metrics, and the impact on the target audience. Provide direct links to support each collaboration.
Media Presence: Submit links and/or tearsheets to interviews, podcasts, or media appearances that you have been featured in/on within the past thirty six months.
Testimonies: Submit two customer testimonials and reviews that highlight positive experiences with your service. This provides external validation of the quality of your services and can serve as compelling evidence for why your photography company deserves recognition. Reviews and testimonies cannot be from any member of The FFIAs production team.
Headshot: Submit a company logo in hi-res jpeg. A hi-res headshot of the photographer along with a signed photo release from the photographer. A blank photo release can be found on the nominations page.
Outstanding Entertainer

What do you do as an Entertainer?
Professional Portfolio: Submit a curated portfolio with a diverse range of samples from your work in the past thirty six months. Submission should consist of five images and 3-5 video clips/reels.
Biographical Information: Submit a detailed biography highlighting your career achievements, experiences, and contributions to your respective industry. Emphasis on the last thirty six months and how they have continued to excel in their craft. Bio must include the date you began working in your respective profession. Bio should be 500-700 words.
Achievements and Recognition: submit documentation of any awards, honors, or recognition received in the past year. Press releases, articles, or media coverage highlighting your accomplishments. Please submit images and/or direct links to support each achievement and recognition.
Media Presence: Submit links to interviews, podcasts, or media appearances that you have been featured in/on within the past thirty six months.
Innovation and Adaptability: Submit at least one example of how you have demonstrated the ability to adapt to industry trends and innovations.
Headshot: Submit your company logo in hi-res jpeg along with a hi-res headshot of the head of the company along with a signed photo release from the photographer. A blank photo release can be found on the nominations page.

Emerging Plus Model
Professional Portfolio: Submit a portfolio showcasing eight (8) high-quality images (images should be all different looks, outfits, themes, etc. ALL from different projects) reflecting excellence in editorial, print, and commercial modeling within the last thirty six months. Each image should be accompanied by a brief description highlighting the concept, context, and any notable achievements. The portfolio should demonstrate versatility and creativity through a range of modeling projects, emphasizing your adaptability to different styles and themes.
Biographical Information: Submit a detailed biography highlighting your career achievements, experiences, and contributions to your respective industry. Emphasis on the last thirty six months and how you have continued to excel in your craft. Bio must include the date you began modeling professionally. Bio should be 500-700 words.
Achievements and Recognition: submit documentation of any awards, honors, or recognition received in the past thirty six months. Press releases, articles, or media coverage highlighting your accomplishments. Please submit images and/or direct links to support each achievement and recognition.
Media Presence: submit links to interviews, podcasts, or media appearances that you have been featured in/on within the past thirty six months.
Brand Collaborations: Submit a list and describe three collaborations with small and large brands in the full figured and/or big and tall industry. Provide direct links to support each collaboration.
Headshot: Submit a hi-res headshot of the model along with a signed photo release from the photographer. A blank photo release can be found on the nominations page.
Outstanding Plus Model
NOTE: Models must have been actively modeling professionally for more than 7 years.
Professional Portfolio: Submit a portfolio showcasing fifteen (15) high-quality images (images should be all different looks, outfits, themes, etc. ALL from different projects) reflecting excellence in editorial, print, and commercial modeling within the last thirty six months. Each image should be accompanied by a brief description highlighting the concept, context, and any notable achievements. The portfolio should demonstrate versatility and creativity through a range of modeling projects, emphasizing your adaptability to different styles and themes.
Biographical Information: Submit a detailed biography highlighting your career achievements, experiences, and contributions to your respective industry. Emphasis on the last thirty six months and how you have continued to excel in your craft. Bio must include the date you began modeling professionally. Bio should be 500-700 words.
Achievements and Recognition: Submit documentation of any awards, honors, or recognition received in the past year. Press releases, articles, or media coverage highlighting your accomplishments. Please submit images and/or direct links to support each achievement and recognition.
Media Presence: Submit links to interviews, podcasts, or media appearances that you have been featured in/on within the past thirty six months.
Brand Collaborations: Submit a list and description of three collaborations with small and large brands in the full figured and/or big and tall industry. Provide direct links to support each collaboration.
Headshot: Submit a hi-res headshot of the model along with a signed photo release from the photographer. A blank photo release can be found on the nominations page.

Big and Tall Model of the Year
NOTE: Models must have been actively modeling professionally for less than 7 years.
Professional Portfolio: Submit a portfolio showcasing eight (8) high-quality images (images should be all different looks, outfits, themes, etc. ALL from different projects) reflecting excellence in editorial, print, and commercial modeling within the last thirty six months. Each image should be accompanied by a brief description highlighting the concept, context, and any notable achievements. The portfolio should demonstrate versatility and creativity through a range of modeling projects, emphasizing your adaptability to different styles and themes.
Biographical Information: Submit a detailed biography highlighting your career achievements, experiences, and contributions to your respective industry. Emphasis on the last thirty six months and how you have continued to excel in your craft. Bio must include the date you began modeling professionally. Bio should be 500-700 words.
Achievements and Recognition: Submit documentation of any awards, honors, or recognition received in the past year. Press releases, articles, or media coverage highlighting your accomplishments. Please submit images and/or direct links to support each achievement and recognition.
Media Presence: Submit links to interviews, podcasts, or media appearances that you have been featured in/on within the past thirty six months.
Brand Collaborations: Submit a list and describe three collaborations with small and large brands in the full figured and/or big and tall industry. Provide direct links to support each collaboration.
Headshot: Submit a hi-res headshot of the model along with a signed photo release from the photographer. A blank photo release can be found on the nominations page.
Outstanding Designer

​Must submit all of the following electronically:
Testimonials: Submit two testimonial letters from two industry professionals that you have designed for. This could be a representative from a major fashion retailer, a fellow designer, a client, or a fashion industry influencer. Reference letters should be 100-200 words and cannot be from a member of the FFIAs Production Team.
Community Engagement: Submit a list of any innovative events or pop-up shops that you’ve hosted as a designer. This could include themed fashion shows or exclusive product launches. – submit two images from each event to support. No more than two per event. List two sponsored content collaborations that garnered high engagement – submit direct links from each collaboration.
Engaging Social Media Posts/Campaigns: Submit at least two links (no more than three) to social media campaigns or posts pertaining to your product(s) that did really well in making your brand more popular. These posts should have a high engagement rate (i.e. comments and likes).
Designing Experience: Submit a chronological overview of your career as a designer, specifying key roles, projects, and milestones. For instance, highlight major collaborations with celebrities, influencers or fashion shows.
Achievements and Recognition: Submit documentation of any awards, honors, or recognition received in the past year. Press releases, articles, or media coverage highlighting your accomplishments. Please submit images and/or direct links to support each achievement and recognition.
Media Presence: Submit direct links or tearsheets to interviews, podcasts, or media appearances that you have been featured in/on within the past thirty six months.
Logo and Headshot: Submit your company logo in hi-res jpeg along with a hi-res headshot of the head of the company along with a signed photo release from the photographer. A blank photo release can be found on the nominations page.